Posted in on March 3, 2010

Social Networking Habits of Baby Boomers and Beyond

More insights from a new Pew Research Center study on the Millennials, which compares the attitudes and habits of 18-29 year olds with those of the Baby Boom, Silent and X generations.  Today’s topic: Social networking.


Despite tremendous growth in the numbers of Baby Boomers and matures actively participating in social networks, Pew Research Center found that “Only 30% of all Boomers and 6% of members of the Silent generation have created their own profile on a social networking site.”

 Now, 30% of all Baby Boomers is a sizable group, but the research reminds mature marketers it’s good to be choosy about how much and where to invest in social media marketing.

Nearly 1 in 5 (19%) Gen Xers and fewer than 1 in 10 (11%) Boomers told Pew they visit social networking sites multiple times a day.  More Boomers (26%) than Gen X (19%) go on once a day.  14% Millennials, 10% Gen X, 6% of Baby Boomers and 1% of Silent Generation members say they have ever used Twitter.

Learn more about social media and Boomers/seniors.  Please check out our other posts on this subject or download our complimentary “Top 10 Take-aways” from the 2010 Builders Show.  Or, email social [at] to request our Social Media Cheat Sheet (with descriptions, data on popular social networking sites) and the Social Media Survival Guide (lays out a five-step plan for getting your brand socially engaged).

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